What is happening to the city of Mountain View? This small and once peaceful village has been violated by an unknown group of evil doers. Their evil deeds have disrupted the peace and harmony of this law abiding town. Can your band of adventurers discover who is responsible? Tougher yet, can you stop them? Join forces with members of the pillaged town and do your best to help Mayor Hodar and his allies repel these invaders.
• Over 20 new monsters and NPC's to encounter.
• New "Invisible encounter" feature.
• Actual plot line with a conclusion. (WOW!)
• No hand holding.
• New Icons and Graphics.
• Same great interface.
• First in a series.
• And much more............
Special thanks to all of the Beta testers on the Net, AOL and CIS!
One special note: It's spelled Newman, not Neuman.
Registering Prelude To Pestilence
Each scenario for Realmz must be registered seperatly. It's only $15 to register "Prelude To Pestilence". To register send the registration fee along with your real name and mailing address (e-mail address too) to:
Fantasoft, LLC
P.O. Box 1844
Waukesha, WI 53187-1844
Version 1.5.5 or higher of the manual also has a registration form in chapter 3 that you can print out.
Exchange Rates
If you will be sending us a check that is drawn from a foreign bank, please multiply the amount due by the exchange rate below.
Australia: x 1.35 = 1 US Dollar
Britain: x 0.65 = 1 US Dollar
Canada: x 1.35 = 1 US Dollar
Denmark: x 6.00 = 1 US Dollar
France: x 5.25 = 1 US Dollar
Germany: x 1.55 = 1 US Dollar
Britan: x 0.65 = 1 US Dollar
Japan: x 100 = 1 US Dollar
Netherlands: x 1.75 = 1 US Dollar
New Zealand: x 1.65 = 1 US Dollar
Norway: x 6.70 = 1 US Dollar
Sweden: x 7.30 = 1 US Dollar
Switzerland: x 1.30 = 1 US Dollar
If your exchange rate is not on this list, you can find the current rate from your bank or look it up in the newspaper on a daily basis.
At present we cannot except credit card orders. We are working on establishing this sometime in January 1995.